"From Seed To Surf"

christian surfing

Surfing for school credit at Florida Tech

Florida TODAY

by Michelle Mulak

Some students at Florida Tech are getting college credit to surf. Students in Dr. Robert Weaver's Surf Engineering analysis class are studying waves from an engineering stand point. Student Christian Robinson rides a...(read more)

Space Coast Surf Camp


by Kathleen Maki

The space coast offers numerous sports and activitiesfor young and old...(read more)

George Robinson

Surfboard Maker

by Robert L. Stone

In his small shop in an industrial 

park in Melbourne, George

Robinson...(read more)

space coast surf camp
george article

All of our balsa wood surfboards and custom surfboards are 100% handshaped with the customer in mind! Along with our surf tours and camps to give the greatest experience possible! Be blessed and enjoy the ride  -George 


(321) 698-6169

Balsa Wood Surfboards